Summer Travels at Pearland Pediatric Dentistry

At Pearland Pediatric Dentistry, we believe in the power of travel. In fact, one of Dr. Clark’s favorite things to do is experience new places with her family. This summer they were able to visit Lake Louise, Banff National Park, and Jasper National park together. They hiked up to the tea house in Lake Louise and shared their famous chocolate cake while taking in all the beautiful views. Her family loves to have fun outdoors!

Traveling is so important to Dr. Clark because it’s her time to be able to disconnect from her daily life and reconnect with her family. It’s also a great opportunity to start exposing her kids to all the wonderful things this world has to offer. Learning about other cultures and ways of life helps teach them flexibility and inclusiveness, and, hopefully, it gives them the courage to be adventurous.

The furthest places Dr. Clark has traveled to are Norway and Poland. Some of the spots on her travel bucket list are Peru to go to Machu Picchu and do the Inca trail, Africa to go on a safari and see all the beautiful animals, and just continue visiting different national parks in the U.S. to enjoy the beauty that’s already available to us.

While Dr. Clark may be guilty of overpacking at times (who isn’t, though?) her must-have items for any trip include some type of camera, a toothbrush, a hairbrush, comfortable shoes for exploring, and at least one set of clean clothes. And of course, a good book is never far behind!

One of Dr. Clark’s favorite memories is from when she went hiking with her family recently at the beginning of July. They were hiking in almost two feet of snow and on the way down they kept slipping in the snow and mud. To stay in good spirits, they sang Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and laughed their way down the mountain despite the slipping and sliding.

It doesn’t matter how far you’re traveling, just as long as you get the chance to get away from your daily routine every once in a while. It’s a great way to spend time with your loved ones and make some awesome memories along the way.

We’re looking forward to hearing about your summer travels next time you’re in the office! Don’t forget, we still have our drawing for Studio Movie Grill so be sure to participate.